New Prices!

  In an effort to give back to my amazing clients that have kept me going, I’ve decided to lower my prices and change how I charge to give a more clear estimate on tattoo costs! Tattoos will now have flat rates attached to timeframes. Tattoo sessions will begin at 12pm each day and include time applying the stencil and wrapping up the tattoo. Sessions begin from 12pm-4pm. If the session goes on past 4pm, it will move into the next timeframe of 12pm-5pm, and so on. Sessions under the available timeframes will be priced at a rate of $150 per hour. Sessions lasting longer than 7pm will cap off at $1,000. Cash is preferred! Thank you so very much for your continued support!

After Care

  • In the ever changing world of tattoos, every artist has their own advice for the healing process, so it can be hard to keep up on proper aftercare. My personal preference for healing fresh tattoos is by using Saniderm, Tagiderm, or Recovery Shield.

    These are clear adhesive medical bandages that cover the entire tattooed area. This initial bandage will be left on for up to 5-7 days. While the bandage is on, you won’t have to worry about the usual cleaning routine of traditional/dry healing. It will keep the tattoo protected from bacteria and help it heal more efficiently on it’s own.

    You may notice ink building up in any wrinkles or bubbles in the wrap, which is normal. If fluid begins excessively seeping out, or the wrap starts to peel off - exposing part of the tattoo, remove it and go about using the traditional healing method in the next tab below.

    The bandage is water resistant, so you are safe to shower with it on, however do not soak or submerge it.

    Avoid baths and water activities such as hot tubs, pools, saunas, bodies of water, etc. (which contain harsh chemicals and infectious bacteria) for at least 2-3 weeks while your tattoo is healing. Also avoid direct sunlight for the next few weeks that will cause premature fading.

    When you are ready to take the Saniderm off, it best to do so in the shower or under warm, running water to help loosen the adhesive. Carefully peel it back toward the direction of hair growth. Do not use any quick, jerking motions while peeling the wrap off or you may cause damage to your skin and tattoo.

    Once the wrap has been removed, gently wash the tattoo with warm water and unscented antibacterial soap. Gently pat the tattoo dry with a clean paper towel.

    If you have been given a second piece of Saniderm, or have purchased your own, you can reapply it now. Be very careful not to let anything touch the tattoo or Saniderm while you are applying the new wrap. Bacteria could potentially get trapped underneath. Leave this new piece on for an additional 5-7 days. Once the second wrap comes off, your tattoo should be close to or fully healed.

    If you have not purchased or been given a second piece of Saniderm, then after you take off the first wrap, go directly to washing it 2-3 times a day with unscented antibacterial hand soap. You may gently apply a thin layer of unscented lotion to the tattoo after washing to keep it moisturized.

    If you experience any redness, rash, or irritation from the wrap, take it off and wash the area immediately. This can happen due to an adhesive allergy that you may not have been aware of. To check for an adhesive allergy, we can apply a small piece of Saniderm to the opposite side of your body while we work to see if you may have a reaction. Symptoms should subside within a few days of removing the bandage.

  • If you prefer not to use Saniderm or have an allergy to medical adhesive, then you can choose to heal your tattoo in the traditional manner, also known as dry healing.

    After your tattoo is completed, I will apply some tattoo ointment and bactine, then cover it with plastic wrap. The wrap should remain on for 2-3 hours before being removed. Once the wrap has been removed, gently wash the tattoo area with unscented antibacterial hand soap and warm water.

    2-3 days after you’ve been tattooed, you may begin to apply a thin layer of unscented lotion after washing. You will continue this process for 2-3 weeks until your tattoo has healed. During this time, you may experience scabbing and peeling skin. Do NOT scratch or pick at your new tattoo!

    Avoid direct contact with animals to the tattooed area until healed. Do not soak or submerge your tattoo in the bath and avoid bodies of water (pools, hot tubs, oceans, etc. which carry harsh chemicals or infectious bacteria) until it has healed.

    After 2-3 weeks, when you’re tattoo has healed, you should begin applying sun screen to the area any time that it will be in direct sunlight. This will help ensure the quality of your tattoo for as long as possible and prevent premature fading.

    During the healing process, avoid petroleum based ointments such as Aquaphor, A&D, Vaseline, and Neosporin which can actually cause issues and prolong healing. I only recommend using plain unscented lotion while healing.

Tattoo Tips

  • If this will be your first tattoo experience then there are a few important things to remember.

    • First, you’ll want to make sure you eat a decent meal before your tattoo appointment. Lack of food will cause much more stress on your body during the process.

    • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that won’t be covering the area we are working on.

    • For tattoos lasting longer than 4 or more hours, it is advised to bring a small blanket to keep you warm. The body can start to feel cold after several hours of tattooing.

    • Be sure to bring your phone, laptop, books, chargers or anything else to keep you entertained while we work.

    • A lot of people ask what getting tattooed feels like and it’s a difficult question to answer, because everyone experiences pain differently. Things like size and placement also greatly factor into how painful a tattoo may be. Personally the best explanation of the pain that I’ve heard is that it feels like running a needle across a bad sunburn. It’s unpleasant, but not unbearable.

    • Leaving a tip at the end of your session is a great way to show your appreciation for the time and effort put into your artwork. However if for any reason you would prefer not to tip, you are under no obligations to do so and I’ll still be happy to work with you!

  • Always let me know if you plan to use numbing products ahead of your tattoo appointment, as they can potentially adversely affect the skin while we’re working. Everyone’s skin handles them differently.

    Most tattoo numbing products last about 3-4 hours and can be a great option to reduce the initial pain of a tattoo. However, it’s worth noting that some clients experience a feeling of heightened pain after the numbing effects wear off. The effectiveness varies from person to person.

    Numbing gels or creams are to be applied before your tattoo begins. Start by first shaving the entire area that will be getting tattooed. This allows your pores to open up and absorb the lidocaine better. Once you have shaved and washed the area with antibacterial soap, apply a 3-4mm thick layer of your numbing cream or gel to the area.

    Next cover the area with plastic wrap to keep it saturated for at least 45 minutes to an hour before your tattoo begins. Leave the wrap on until we start applying the stencil.

    Numbing sprays are used during the tattoo process, and can be applied multiple times throughout your session to further help reduce pain.

    My personal recommendations for numbing products are Hush Anesthetic brand gels, creams, or sprays. All of which can be found on Amazon.


  • Tattoo times can vary greatly based on different factors such as size, placement, and imagery. I can tattoo an area roughly the size of a sheet of paper in about 8-12 hours.

  • Tattoos take an average of 2-3 weeks to heal. Over the first few weeks it is important to avoid direct sunlight, and bodies of water (pools, hot tubs, oceans, etc. which contain harsh chemicals or infectious bacteria.) After your tattoo has healed, it is recommended to apply sunscreen over the area any time you will be in sunlight to ensure the quality of the tattoo for as long as possible.

  • Before your tattoo appointment make sure you eat a decent meal to avoid adding extra stress to your body while we work. You’ll need your photo ID and I recommend bringing snacks, drinks, a blanket, phone, laptop, chargers, etc. Anything that will keep you entertained and cozy while we work! I also have a selection of complimentary snacks and bottled water at the studio that you are welcome to!

  • You are welcome to shave the area of your tattoo before your appointment to save a little time. I have disposable razors that I use to prepare the area before we start.

  • I do allow the use of numbing products! Just let me know before your tattoo appointment if you plan to use any. My personal recommendations for numbing products are Hush Anesthetic brand gel, cream, or spray. All of which can be found on Amazon. For proper use and application of numbing products, check my tattoo tips section above!

  • If you’re sick, you’ll need to reschedule your tattoo appointment. Your tolerance to pain and stress will be low, and we wouldn’t want to potentially spread anything.

    If you’re pregnant, you will need to wait to schedule your tattoo until after you have finished breast feeding to avoid passing on any potential bacteria to the baby.

  • Tattoo consultations are free. Your initial consultation will be for us to go over the details of your tattoo as well as the costs and other any other important information. If you are happy with everything discussed and would like to move forward with a design consult, a $75 deposit will be required. If you are also pleased with your design consult, an additional $75 deposit for a total of $150, will be required to schedule your tattoo appointment.

  • I accept payments in the form of cash or credit/debit card. Cash is preferred!

  • My minimum tattoo price is a single hour session from 12pm-1pm for $150. Check the “New Prices!” section above for more information on how I charge.

  • I’m currently working out a way to include payment plans on my website. Check back at a later time for updates!

  • There is no general rule for tipping. It is entirely up to you, based on how much you love your tattoo and what you can afford! Tips are a great way to show how much you appreciate the time and effort put into your artwork. However, if for any reason you would prefer not to tip, you are under no obligations to do so. I will still be happy to work with you!

  • The studio is Bespoke Tattoo Gallery at 69 Graham Rd, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223. The entrance is located around the backside of the plaza building.

  • Bespoke Tattoo Gallery is a private studio that operates by appointment only.

  • I offer touch ups within the first 90 days of receiving your tattoo. If your tattoo needs touched up, just reach out via email at!

  • Cover-ups are determined on review of the area to be tattooed. Pictures can be sent in along with your tattoo request form.

    I prefer not to rework old tattoos.

  • You must be a minimum 16 years of age to get tattooed with parental consent. Your parent or legal guardian must be present throughout the entire tattoo process and all must present valid photo identification.

  • Send me an email at to let me know if you need to reschedule. It is preferred that you give notice at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time. Tattoos canceled or rescheduled within under 48 hours are potentially subject to loss of deposit.